Thursday, July 17, 2008

STFU Award: Jesse Jackson

Just when we thought we had recovered from Jesse Jackson's tasteless and crass comment about Barack Obama, he raises his outrageous behavior to an even more unacceptable level.

Last week we learned that Jesse Jackson was picked up on an open mic on the Fox News set whispering to another guest. Jackson was complaining that Barack Obama was talking down to Black people and Jesse wanted to cut Barack's nuts off. Jesse incredibly thought the microphone was off when he made the comments, violating what must be the must widely known rule in TV -- always assume the mic is on.

Once Jesse got word that Fox had recorded his comment, he immediately came out with a pre-apology. Before the piece even aired, there was Jesse Jackson groveling for any camera that would record him. He still loved Obama. It was the microphone's fault. Children are starving in Africa. OJ was framed. Geronomo Pratt was shafted. Anything to keep the conversation from going deeper than his apology and delving into why he felt the need to make the comment.

Today, Fox News confirmed that in that gaffe, Jesse called Barack Obama THE N WORD (gasp)!

Yep, the good Reverend wants to cut that nigger Barack Obama's nuts off. Damn microphone.

Now this is beyond outrageous. This is the same Jesse Jackson who crusaded against use of the word. He railed against Michael Richards (appropriately) and threatened to boycott Jerry, Elaine and George's DVD set.

Jesse still hasn't explained why he made the first comment about castrating Barack and now he denigrates him further. At this point Jesse, we don't need an explanation. It's pretty obvious; it is part of your character.

You try to appear pious in public but call Jews a racial slur, father a child out of wedlock, and make crude references about the first Black nominee of any major party. What excuse could you possibly have for a pattern of such unexcusable behavior?

It's time for you to stop parading yourself around as some spokesperson for the Black community. We reject and denounce you. We can do better. We are doing better. With the same Brother you are hating on.

Jesse Jackson for being a classless, insincere, destructive force in the Black community, the People's Pundit bestows upon you the STFU award. SHUT THE FUCK UP!