Tuesday, July 1, 2008

The dance Obama is doing

There's an old saying. When you get to the dance, you stick with the one who brung you there. For Barack Obama, it seems he was devoted to Democrats on his way to the dance, and once there, has begun flirting with everyone else.

The line of recent reversals of positions has been well chronicled. Faith based organizations, FISA, gun control, campaign finance, all casualties of the deliberate pivot right. While some recasting as a centrist was expected, Obama is doing it on all the issues that are near and dear to his base.

In addition, he has rejected comments from Gen. Wes Clark, that from all accounts were accurate...and being used in Obama's defense. He slammed MoveOn.org's Petraeus ad, even though the group has mobilized three million people to work for Obama's election.

So now his supporters are miffed and his enemies are gleeful. I'm not sure what Obama is thinking, but someone should tell him that people who flirt with others at the dance usually go home alone.