Monday, July 18, 2005

You can't fire me. I stay!

Ever wonder what it would be like to have a job where you couldn't be fired for forced to retire? The Supreme Court Justices know.

Supreme Court Chief Justice William Rehnquist, 80 and in frail health, smacked down the chattering class last week by announcing he had no intention of retiring. Sure he's dying of cancer. Sure he can barely get around. Sure he could barely raise his hand to swear in President Bush during the inauguration. But he's not retiring, and you can't make him. How's that?!

Not even federal workers have it that good. At some point, you have to submit retirement papers. Why should the justices be able to serve until death do them part? Perhaps it is time to look at a new system that gives them a set number of years on the bench -- one that staggers the end of their tenures so no one presi-dent can stack the bench. Maybe justices should have a mandatory retirement age. Why should they be exempt the rules that govern the rest of the workforce? Is this really in the best interest of the country?