Friday, July 8, 2005

Jailed Journalist heralded and forgotten in the same news cycle: Priceless

Don't hold your breath waiting for fair and balanced coverage of that journalist who went to jail.

Media reporters were tripping over each other for their opportunity to denounce the sentence. Keith Oblemann went so far as to pronounce the judge as the worst person on the planet.

Meanwhile Judith Miller is getting her Martha Stewart fame -- success on a scale she never enjoyed when she plied her trade and was the target of scorn from many of those same journalists. You have to wonder if she's not secretly enjoying this as she pens her book: My time in a suburban DC jail.

Sucks to be the other reporter whose source allowed him to talk. Damn! His book: Almost a martyr, out soon.

The irony is that journalist's outrage was short lived when a real tragedy knocked them off their soap boxes. Thanks to "the terrorists" nobody seems to care about the plight of a jailed journalists anymore.

Now Judy sees how it feels to try and create news coverage on the same day a big story drops. Feel the pain of PR hacks everywhere.

For the record, I think having the government jail reporters for not revealing sources is a bad idea. But it's not like I claim to be fair and balanced.