Friday, February 1, 2008

Beyond day one

We've all heard Hillary Clinton's oft-repeated mantra: ready to lead on day one. Last night, Barack finally offered a response: right on day one. I'd offer a different one: beyond day one.
The crux of Hillary Clinton's campaign message betrays a reactive leadership style. She reminds us there will be a stack of problems on the desk of the oval office when the new president arrives, and that she is best suited to delve into them. However she offers no higher principles of leadership or governing other than that she's "been there" before.

Leadership is about more then responding to the challenges of the day, it is about creating the world of tomorrow.

Barak Obama's appeal is beyond the desk. The lofty ideal of changing the way we view our government and the world views us. I'd suggest this is the time to look upward, beyond the desk, beyond day one.

Some people see things as they are and say why. I dream things that never were and say why not?
George Bernard Shaw