Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Hollywood writers’ strike? Who wrote that one?

Ok. In what must be the worst advice since someone told OJ to bust into a Las Vegas hotel to get his stuff back, Hollywood writers decided to strike. Hollywood on strike? Really? You think they could have written a better plot for themselves. (No more lukewarm latte's!)

Teachers strike and you wonder who will educate the children. Garbage men strike and you wonder about sanitary issues. You can even feel sympathy for an auto worker striking, as he has to navigate his shitty Ford back to his Detroit trailer park.

But a Hollywood writer? What will happen if they strike? We'll have...Gasp...no TV!! The horror! The tragedy! What's next, cigarette factory employees holding out for better health insurance?

Get a grip guys. You work in Hollywood. You're bickering over royalties. Get better agents and get over yourselves.