Thursday, June 21, 2007

Bloomberg, money can't buy love after all

If Michael Bloomberg were to believe the latest poll, his money isn't buying him a lot of love from Americans.

CNN reports that a Pew Research Poll indicates more than half of Americans wouldn't consider supporting Bloomberg for president. Only 9 percent of voters who have heard of the mayor say they would likely vote for him. Only 23 per-cent say there is some chance they would back his candidacy. More than half of those polled, 56 percent, say there's no chance they would vote for Bloomberg.

Of course all this comes after Bloomberg announced he is leaving the Republi-can party, fueling speculation that he is setting himself up for a presidential bid. Absent a grass roots movement urging him to run, he will need to do a whole lot of courting. Can the American public be bought? Bloomberg has got a billion dollars that thinks we can.