Sunday, March 11, 2012

Sponsors abandon Rush. Finally!

I just ran across this headline

Advertisers Ninety-eight major advertisers—including Ford and Geico—will no longer air spots on Premiere Networks’ ‘offensive’ programs. Insiders say the loss will rock right-wing talk radio.
Rush is learning the hard way...even if you are an arrogant Republican white man, you can't call a prissy white girl from Georgetown a slut. Too far, Rush. Too far.

The tide is turning in America, Rush. If Don Imus can't call black women, nappy headed hoes, you definitely can't slur an educated white woman who is speaking out on an issue ALL women care about.
Sooner or later all provocateurs overreach. Rush's absolute power over the Republican party absolutely corrupted him. Somewhere he is in a dark room cursing the liberals, while Ann Coulter shakes her head knowingly.
Too far, Rush. Too far.
On behalf of all the sponsors who have abandoned you, I'd like to proclaim a collective and long over due STFU award. Rush, shut the fuck up!