Sunday, June 29, 2008

Vice President Clark?

Could Wes Clark be our next vice president?

Before I answer, in the interest of full disclosure I must admit that I supported Wes Clark early in the 04 election cycle. I even volunteered at one of his local meetings.

With my bias, I was heartened to see Wes Clark challenging John McCain's national security credentials on Face the Nation recently. If you watch the interview, you realize that Wes Clark is uniquely qualified to take on John McCain on his one perceived strength, the military.

As a four-star general and NATO commander, Wes Clark has insights and experiences that just might outweigh McCain on the national security stage. Clark can say what many Democrats can't: Being a war hero won't necessarily make you a good commander in chief.

Detractors might point out that Wes Clark doesn't have a natural constituency to bring along with him. He can't guarantee a swing state that Obama would need to win.

With Obama's 50 state strategy however, having strong national security credentials on the ticket might be more important than any one state.

This campaign is revealing McCain to be a one trick pony. If Obama/Clark can effectively pierce McCain's national security veil and take that horse from him, they just might be able to leave McCain on the side of the road.